Split, directed by M Night Shyamalan, the Mallu Hollywood director who was going through a rough patch the past few years. This movie was lead by James McAvoy who suffers from multiple personality disorder, with 23 different personalities. Always been a fan of McAvoy especially after his performance in 'Wanted' and the 'X-Men' series. McAvoy has given his very best performance so far an this kind of performance deserves atleast an Oscar or a Golden Globe nomination. The movie is paced like any other Shyamalan movie, but this had kind of like a horror like element attached to it which made it even more enjoyable with the jump scares and all. Overall it's a decent watch, definitely an comeback for Shyamalan, we expect better movies from him hereafter. This is no masterpiece but you have got to watch it just for McAvoy's performance.
Verdict: 7.8/10
It felt great to see Shyamalan getting back to form, he's had a very tough time and things have only gone downhill for him but I just hope that this is the icebreaker and he can keep giving us great movies.